Take & Eat Tempeh

it’s legit. Fresh. And it’s here

Buy & Discover Our Fresh/Processed Tempeh Directly From Our Factory In Melbourne. 

What is it exactly?

Tempeh is a fermented food product made traditionally from soybeans and now from other beans too.

It is one of the most complete protein source you can have from plant, together with other essentials ilke iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and more. The fermentation process results in live probiotic that makes it relatively easy to digest and promotes gut health

“It's proper tempeh.”

Now you can experience fresh tempeh, Just like in Indonesia where customer buy fresh in the traditional market.  Buy our tempeh Online and we will post fresh tempeh to you a day after we harvest from incubator.

Impressive nutritional composition

Tempeh especially soy is high in protein, calcium and iron. The protein content is comparable to a chicken leg and it has about 8% of recommended daily intake of calcium and iron for adult diet. It is also the only plant-based source of vitamin B12.

Source of probiotic

Our tempeh is slow fermented to over 30 hours so it’s loaded with probiotic. We keep our tempeh fresh frozen (not pasteurised), which means the living probiotic will still be there once it gets to your hand and ready to help with your gut.

The Perfect Meat Substitute

Apart from its very meaty texture, did you know that 1 serve of tempeh equals the amount of meat protein in the same serve? Tempeh protein has 0% cholesterol and lower saturated fat intake, which means reduced risks of cardiovascular disease

Minimal processing

Tempeh has very minimal processing: we practically boiled the beans/ legumes/ seeds whatever we are using, drain it, put the starter culture in, incubate it and when done, that’s it. Loaded with health benefits

Versatile and easy to cook

Take & Eat Tempeh especially, is easy to cook and very versatile. Any cooking or cutting style, we ensure that our product is easy to work with so you can prepare it your way.

Bake-EAT! Grill-EAT! Fry-EAT! Just do-EAT!

Delicious Taste

Nutty, great earthy flavour in a firm texture…. Yummmm! Perfect meat alternative or healthy addition to your every dish

How do I use it?

Tempeh has been used widely in both domestic and commercial kitchen. Because of its deliciously plain flavour and meaty texture you have an endless option to pan fry, deep fry, oven bake, grill, steam, put in stir fry or sauces… basically anything.

TIPS: Marinade before cooking to spice up your tempeh!

Our Story

We are a family-run business specialising in manufacturing fresh, frozen tempeh and tempeh products. It goes way back to our roots with Indonesian background, where tempeh is staple for the people.

We are proud of its reputation as a plant-based super food in many parts of the world and we have a mission to familiarise tempeh in the next 5 years so that it can stand along with tofu in terms of popularity and use in Australia.

We know exactly what we are doing and hence why our tempeh-fan like to describe us as “the proper thing”. We are the maker of authentic Indonesian-style soy tempeh, and we also make the best non-soy tempeh including Chickpea tempeh, Adzuki bean tempeh and Mung bean tempeh. Our tempeh is fresh frozen (not pasteurised) to keep its natural taste, to keep the probiotic alive and to retain its lovely texture.

You may also find us attending a local farmers market on the weekend and when you do, please say hi! We’re happy to share our go-to recipes and some cooking tips to start with!

P.S. They say we’ve got the BEST tempeh in town!

Tempeh factory & Staple Cafe

Live local? Pick up your fresh tempeh at our factory. Please call us to organise pick up.

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